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During Northern Electric Cooperative’s 2025 Annual Meeting (Monday, June 16, 2025) members will elect Directors for Districts 2, 5, and 9.

Incumbent directors Todd Hettich, Mina (Dist. 2), Scott Sperry, Bath (Dist. 5), and Nolan Wipf, Hitchcock (Dist. 9) are all eligible to run again and are up for re-election. 

Northern Electric Cooperative uses a petition process to nominate directors. A petition must be circulated for each candidate. Candidates must be cooperative members and reside in the district they wish to represent. A designated representative of an entity may seek election. The representative must reside within the district in which they would represent. Each petition must be signed by at least ten (10) cooperative members residing in that candidate’s specific district. 

Only one party of a joint membership may sign a petition; but not both.
Petitions are available at the Northern Electric offices in Bath. Director petitions must be submitted not more than one hundred-twenty (120) nor less than forty-five (45) days before the Annual Meeting to have names placed on the official ballot and the Notice of the Meeting. 

Petitions must be filed at a Northern Electric Cooperative office by close of business (4:30 p.m.) Friday, May 2, 2025. No petitions filed after May 2, 2025 shall be considered valid. 
Nominations are not permitted from the floor during the meeting. 
Members may only sign ONE nominating petition for a director candidate from their district of record.


Director Qualifications
Northern Electric Cooperative Bylaws
Article IV Section 4

No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director who:
a.      Is an employee of the Cooperative.
b.      Is not a member and bona fide resident of the service area served by the Cooperative located within the particular
         District provided that if the member is an entity other than a natural person then such person must be the
         Designated Representative of the entity, and such Designated Representative must reside within the district they
c.      Is in any way employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise or business selling electric energy or
         supplies to the Cooperative or a business primarily engaged in selling electrical or plumbing appliances, fixtures or
         supplies to the members of the Cooperative.
d.     Has been previously removed as a director in accordance with the procedures provided for removal in these
e.     Has failed to attend at least 2/3 of all regular board meetings during any consecutive twelve (12) month period.
f.      Has been employed by the Cooperative in the past five (5) years.
g.     Has pled guilty or has been convicted of: a felony, any crime involving dishonesty, or any crime involving moral
h.       Does not have the capacity to enter into legally binding contracts. 


For a complete copy of the Northern Electric Cooperative Bylaws contact Northern Electric at 605-225-0310 or stop by the Bath office. The bylaws are also available online at