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Northern Electric Cooperative is kicking off 2020 with a new social media channel. The co-op has launched an Instagram account as another method to communicate with members and the community.

“Social media continues to be an effective way for organizations to connect with their members and consumers,” Northern Electric Cooperative Communications Director Ben Dunsmoor said. “Instagram is the second-most widely used social network behind Facebook, so it was the natural next step to launch a co-op account on that platform.”

The co-op plans to use its Instagram account to feature unique photos from the field, behind-the-scenes content, outage notifications, and stories from the co-op’s service territory. To follow Northern Electric simply search for the co-op’s Instagram handle @northernelectriccooperative in the Instagram app and click the ‘follow’ button. Northern Electric will give away five gift bags full of prizes to five lucky followers once the account reaches 200 followers.

“We want to have fun with the new account and encourage our local members to follow us so they can stay updated about everything happening at their cooperative,” Dunsmoor said about the gift bag giveaway.

Northern Electric launched a Facebook page in 2013 and currently has 1,450 likes on its profile. There are links to both of the co-op’s social media accounts at the bottom of this page.