Northern Electric Cooperative offers a prepaid billing option for members who would like an alternative to the traditional method of billing. Prepaid allows members to pay for their power up front with the funds being withdrawn from their account as they use energy.
A member enrolled in prepaid billing will have money withdrawn from their account every day following a daily bill calculation. The funds that are withdrawn will cover the energy and flat costs associated with providing electricity to that member along with any additional taxes and fees.
How Prepaid Works
Load Your Account:
Northern Electric members who wish to enroll in prepaid billing can load their account with money online via SmartHub, or over the phone 24 hours a day using a credit card or checking account number by calling 1-844-834-4454. Funds can also be loaded onto an account in one of the co-op offices in Bath or Redfield using cash, check, or credit card.
Use Electricity:
Money will be withdrawn from a prepaid account following a daily bill calculation. Once a member's account reaches the low credit balance threshold of $25 they will receive a daily email, text message, or automated phone message notifying them that they need to load more money on their account.
Reload Account:
Members who have a prepaid account which is below the low credit balance threshold of $25 should reload their account with funds to continue electric service. If an account reaches a $0 balance that member's electricity will be automatically disconnected until more money is loaded on their account.
Members interested in prepaid billing should call the Northern Electric billing department at 605-225-0310 to see if their account is eligible for this billing method.